
Medical Male


Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) is a cost-efficient HIV prevention strategy, and research has shown that it reduces male HIV sexual acquisition risk by up to 60%. VMMC provides health benefits to both men and women in addition to reducing the risk of HIV acquisition among circumcised men. Evidence shows that VMMC reduces incidence of some STIs, particularly ulcerative STIs, including chancroid, herpes, and syphilis, as well as balanitis, phimosis, and penile cancer.

Mmashela health is one of the  implementers of VMMC activities in South Africa working predominantly in Gauteng & KZN Provinces. We run sites in partnerships  to provide FREE VMMC services to men and boys.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released an update on Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC). Nearly 11.7 million cumulative VMMCs were performed through 2015 in the 14 priority countries, and 2.2 million were carried out in 2015 alone. South Africa is also 1 of the countries of focus.

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